Sunday, June 20, 2010

Spotted Outside Churches

A few 'thought-of-the-day' type one-liners spotted on notice boards outside churches, here in Bombay...

"Give Satan an inch, and he'll become a ruler"

Because Satan is exactly 11 inches tall, of course... :p

"Even a fish would not get into trouble if it kept its mouth shut"

Well, fish are just known for getting into trouble left, right and centre, aren't they? :-)

"Everyone is gifted, just that some people never open their package"

Ahem...! :p


Sananda's Ramblings said...

Strip and you shall receive...

ooh... i heard one on the train this morning... n its unbearably deep n meaningful cos it came from the mouth of a high school kid... goes.. Bro, sometimes in just gotta flush twice..!

lastknight said...

"Strip and you shall receive" - You actually saw that a church thought-of-the-day board?!

And yeah, that second one is *is* deep... :p